Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh My Hell!

I am amazed by small children. It's probably a good thing as I work with about 450 of them. I'm not talking about the teachers. I'm talking about the kids.

I was having a conversation with one the other day and he told me that hell was a bad word. He's from Texas so hell came out as a two syllable word. The conversation went like this...

Him "Hell is a bad word."

Me "Yes it is."

Him "Unless you are talking about the stuff that comes out of clouds. Then you say that hail is dangerous. It's bad if you say something like 'Oh My Hell'."

I was speechless. I know. Hard to believe. He was right on both accounts. Made me laugh. I have to watch what I say around that one. I'm afraid I'll be the topic of conversation at a children's sermon sometime.